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terms and conditions

Our products are original abstract and unofficial artistic reproductions of the parent companies. All trademark rights belong to their respective owners. The logos are used exclusively for decorative and / or aesthetic purposes. The use of these products is allowed for exclusively ornamental, decorative, descriptive purposes of a private nature pursuant to art. 1 bis Rd 21 June 1942 N ° 929 and subsequent amendments.

Product images are indicative only and do not necessarily represent their appearance. The technical and dimensional specifications of the product are purely illustrative, they do not exempt the Customer from carrying out the checks before proceeding with the realization of the print.

Art. 1 - Warranty and liability
the distributed products comply with the technical specifications declared by the producers of vinyl films, to consult the technical specifications of each individual film, please contact us. In case of non-conformity of the product, the responsibility is understood in any case exclusively limited to the replacement of the same. We will not provide for the replacement or refund of the product or will we be liable for any damage that the Customer may suffer due to improper storage or use of it, much less if the instructions provided by us are not followed.

Art. 2 - Suitability of the products
The Customer must ascertain the suitability of the product for the use to which it intends to use it, assuming all risks or responsibilities deriving from its use. In the specific case of products that require assembly and that are purchased to be subsequently assembled by the Customer, to compose customized solutions, it is the precise duty of the same to read all the documents containing technical information useful for the correct assembly of the same. We are not responsible for incorrect assembly of our products.

Art. 3 - Information and Assistance
We undertake, at the request of the Customer, to provide all useful information for the optimal use of the materials to the best of their knowledge.

Article 4 - Transportation
Transportation costs and responsibilities are the responsibility of the customer. We are not responsible for any delays, losses or delivery errors by couriers, uncorrect or incomplete address. The customer also has the possibility to contact us on our social networks or via email, to place an order manually and take care of the transport himself, sending, upon payment and production of the goods, a trusted courier to collect the goods.


Upon delivery by the shipper, it is important to inspect the packages and check whether the external packaging or the goods themselves are damaged. In the event of visible damage, specify the extent and type of damage in writing on the waybill and make a copy of the same to be sent to us by email at the following address, no later than 7 days, attaching significant photographs of the damage and declaration of unusability of the material.

Even in the event of hidden damage, not visible externally, it is necessary to notify us within and no later than 7 days from the date of receipt of the goods, following the same methods described above. 

THE damaged products, in the case of stickers, they will have to be assembled as originally and not used for any type of attempted application of the same (the adhesive film must be assembled with its paper support and, if present, transparent transfer film, exactly as it arrived goods), stickers that have had their backing paper or transparent transfer film removed will not be considered as damaged.

We do not take responsibility for any incorrect application of the stickers.



For shipments to destinations in Italy, we rely on Poste Italiane (Posta1, untracked shipment, characterized by a specific code to exclusively verify that the package has been delivered) and GLS (express courier, fully tracked).

If the customer is in a hurry, wants to monitor the transport and have specific details on the position of the goods and wants a higher quality shipping service, we recommend choosing the tracked GLS courier.

For some zip codes and disadvantaged locations (smaller islands, Venice lagoon, etc.), we reserve the right to ship via Posta1 untracked shipment of the Italian post office, given the impossibility of identifying the recipient's location in advance and calculating the additional costs before the payment automatically..


For shipments to destinations outside Italy, we rely on Poste Italiane and GLS. During the checkout phase, the customer will be able to choose the type of shipment he most desires.

Shipping with GLS, fully tracked, may involve some additional costs for the customer, in the event of customs duties.

Shipping via Poste Italiane registered post mail is partially tracked: through the website (often subject to malfunctions) it will be possible to trace the package's journey to the border, when it arrives at the international exchange centre. From here on, the package may be subject to delays, and may be blocked in any customs, for many reasons. Any costs and customs clearance procedures will be charged to the customer. Once out of the international exchange centre, the parcel can be traced again on the national post office website of the country of the recipient.

If the customer is in a hurry, wants to monitor the transport and have specific details on the position of the goods and wants a higher quality shipping service, we recommend choosing the tracked GLS courier.

For some ZIP codes and disadvantaged locations (islands, etc.), given the impossibility of identifying your location in advance and calculating the additional costs before payment, we may reserve the right to ship partially tracked by registered mail from Poste Italiane, even if the GLS tracked one was chosen.

Art. 5 - Delivery terms
The processing times of the order are to be considered purely indicative, they may depend on the working season and the amount of work or problems in the production phase. We are committed to processing orders as quickly as possible.

In the event of non-delivery due to the recipient being absent for too long period and with the subsequent expiry of the maximum storage time allowed by the courier, the products could be destroyed by the courier in some cases (especially in international shipments), when the return costs to the sender are more expensive than the value of the product itself, it will therefore be necessary to re-make another purchase. We are not responsible for the continuous absence of the recipient and for any disposal of the goods by the courier.

Art. 6 - Complaints
Complaints of any kind, except for those provided for by the previous art. 4 - Transports, must be advanced in writing, through our email address within 3 months of receipt of the goods, meaning the Customer has lapsed, after this deadline, from any right of complaint for defects and / or for lack of quality and / or due to differences in the materials sold. The validity of the dispute must be examined by examining the disputed goods, sent by the Customer to us upon request.

Art.7 - Right of Withdrawal or Afterthought
The online sale of products on our website is governed by articles. 50 - 68 of the Consumer Code (Legislative Decree 6 September 2005, No. 206 and subsequent amendments) and the EU directive (2011/83 / EC). This legislation provides in favor of the consumer the right to withdraw from contracts or contractual proposals, guaranteeing him the right to return the purchased product and to obtain reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
The customer has the right to cancel his order within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of delivery of the goods. This right consists of the right to return the purchased goods and the consequent reimbursement of the purchase price and delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs deriving from a delivery different from the standard one).
Within 14 (fourteen) days, the customer can withdraw from the contract without providing any explanation. Upon receipt of the Returns Acceptance from Customer Service, the customer has 14 (fourteen) days to return everything. The withdrawal must be communicated and confirmed by us via email

The communication must contain the declaration of wanting to exercise the right of withdrawal, indicating your order number, which products must be subject to withdrawal (identifying them with item description), as well as the bank details on which to obtain the transfer (IBAN).
Our customer service, having received the notice of withdrawal, will communicate the Returns Acceptance so that you can return everything within the next 14 (fourteen) days.


According to the law (Law n.185 of 22/05/1999) the return of the goods is subject to the following conditions:

  • the purchased good must be substantially intact (free from damage or tampering)

  • the costs for returning the goods are charged to the customer


Shipments do not notify us by email on your part and do not confirm yourselves on our part, they will not be accepted.

It is recommended, for the customers benefit, to prepare the package carefully using suitable packaging (preferably the originals) and for the shipment to use a courier or other suitable means to allow the traceability of the shipment.

We will refund the customer within 14 days of receiving the goods at our office.

Distance selling and therefore the right of withdrawal are valid only for individuals, individuals. There is no right of withdrawal for subjects with a VAT number.


Exceptions to the Right of Withdrawal
The right of withdrawal pursuant to articles 52 to 58 for distance contracts and contracts negotiated away from business premises is excluded in relation to:

a) service contracts after the complete provision of the service if the execution began with the consumers express agreement and with the acceptance of the loss of the right of withdrawal following the full execution of the contract by the professional;

b) the supply of goods or services whose price is linked to fluctuations in the financial market that the trader is unable to control and which may occur during the withdrawal period;

c) the supply of goods made to measure or clearly personalized (e.g. sunshade bands with the text you want, with a specific measure, size, color and positioning)

d) the supply of goods which risk deteriorating or expiring rapidly;

e) the supply of sealed goods which are not suitable for return for hygienic reasons or related to health protection and have been opened after delivery;

f) the supply of goods which, after delivery, are, by their nature, inseparably mixed with other goods (eg two adhesives from the Badgeline range, glued together by you, no longer usable).

g) the supply of alcoholic beverages, the price of which has been agreed upon at the time of the conclusion of the sales contract, whose delivery can only take place after thirty days and whose actual value depends on fluctuations on the market that cannot be controlled by the professional;

h) contracts in which the consumer has specifically requested a visit by the professional for the purpose of carrying out urgent repair or maintenance work. If, on the occasion of such visit, the trader provides services in addition to those specifically requested by the consumer or goods other than spare parts necessary to carry out maintenance or repairs, the right of withdrawal applies to such additional services or goods;

i) the supply of sealed audio or video recordings or sealed computer software which have been unsealed after delivery;

l) the supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications;

m) contracts concluded at a public auction, or purchased in the Outlet section.

n) the provision of accommodation for non-residential purposes, the transport of goods, car rental services, catering services or services relating to leisure activities if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance;

o) the supply of digital content by means of a non-material support if the execution began with the express agreement of the consumer and with his acceptance of the fact that in this case he would have lost the right of withdrawal.

l) the supply of newspapers, periodicals and magazines with the exception of subscription contracts for the supply of such publications;

m) contracts concluded at a public auction.

n) the provision of accommodation for non-residential purposes, the transport of goods, car rental services, catering services or services relating to leisure activities if the contract provides for a specific date or period of performance;

o) the supply of digital content by means of a non-material support if the execution began with the express agreement of the consumer and with his acceptance of the fact that in this case he would have lost the right of withdrawal.


Art. 7.1 - Return of goods
The return of goods must be authorized in writing by our staff using the appropriate return authorization form; the goods must be delivered ex our warehouse and will travel at the risk of the customer. Under no circumstances will products that have been tampered with, damaged or used improperly be accepted.



Art. 8 - Conditions and methods of payment
The order will be processed with the payment method chosen during the confirmation phase.


Art. 9 - Privacy Policy
The methods for managing the site (hereinafter the site) are described here with reference to the processing of the personal data of users who consult it. This is a document of a general nature that informs about the criteria for the correct processing of personal data carried out on or through the site, criteria that the user can find illustrated in detail even within the individual information published in the various sections of the site. to specify the methods and purposes of the processing related to the provision of information of various kinds. This information is also provided pursuant to Article 13 of the General Data Protection Regulation (European Union Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 concerning the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data , as well as the free circulation of such data, hereinafter Regulation) to those who interact with the web services of the site and does not include the treatments carried out on other sites that may be consulted by the user through links on the site itself. The information is also based on Recommendation no. 2/2001 that the European authorities for the protection of personal data, gathered in the Group established by Article 29 of Directive no. 95/46 / EC, adopted on May 17, 2001 to identify some minimum requirements for the collection of personal data online, and in particular, the methods, timing and nature of the information that the data controllers must provide to users. when they connect to web pages, regardless of the purpose of the link. Users must carefully read this information before forwarding any type of personal information.Read the full information.

Pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 14 of EU regulation no. Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), envisaged by the European Commission, can be reached at the following link:
In compliance with the provisions of the aforementioned legislation, we also inform you that our e-mail address is

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